Sometimes our hurt, anger, fear is so big we don’t want to feel it so we take drastic action in the middle of it. What if, in the middle of it, you froze the frame and stepped out to the observer position. Then started the feelings again. From position of...
This week with this rare full moon, be prepared for some deeper emotions to be stirred up! It will guide you for 2018! This is the opportunity to see the gifts in past experience that at the time may have felt “bad” or “wrong”. Take the time to allow the emotions...
I need to start writing again, staring at this blank page is not helpful. I have so many thoughts I want to capture: Decluttering is like Melting snow – starts with a mindshift of a few degrees. Raise the temperature and it all melts away. It may look messier at first...
I heard a story* that really spoke to me. I’ll paraphrase it: a little girl forgot to feed the chickens because an important guest came to visit. When her mother reminded her the guest volunteered to accompany her. She grabbed the big flashlight and pranced out...
I think it has to do with decision making. How do you make decisions? Is it a long process or a short one? Listening to all parts of me is a challenge. I’m learning there are more parts of me that weigh in on a decision, not just my mind or just my heart, both of...