Embracing what was once rejected, Henrietta finally removed that energy-sucker. Hatred and shell shunning took up so much energy. Now, Henrietta felt light, abundant, and grateful. Everything began to take on a new glow. What is your shell? Parts of us have...
One day Henrietta decided to exit her shell. She stretched into the tickling warmth spreading across her body. It had been a long time. “Well that’s not something you see every day! Hello,-?” “Henrietta, and uh, you are?” A conversation started and quickly all...
“Look up!”“Whimper, whimper”“It’s easier if you look up.” A toddler huddled in the corner of a public swimming-pool shower. A mother attempts to wash his hair. “I’m going to rinse, please look up.”Wailing ensued as the water cascaded into the child’s face, stubbornly...
“A chicken got loose on the plane!” Laughter bubbled out of him, standing in my parent’s kitchen. “It jumped OUT at a thousand feet!” Tears streaming from my eldest son’s eyes.In a few short hours he would be the first one leaving the nest. “This chicken hovered...
As I began to raise my children and felt either compelled to use bribery/ punishment or just ignore everything and “hope” for the best, I noticed neither way gave me peace of mind for long (if at all). I began a journey looking for another way. I...
There is this place I stand in the assembly line moving the machine forward. Feeding this in and taking that out and moving this lever forward to make the great beast of RESPONSIBILITY inch onward. My mind wanders. What if I went to the beach?*ka-chunk*. I’d like...