I committed to family dinners when schedules permitted. Coming off of school, there is a lot of unlearning from the lunchroom that has to be done, eating as fast as you can, talking at the same time as everyone else, only looking out for your own needs and no one elses, not to mention the topics of conversation. Our first two dinners since school ended have been very chaotic and stressful. My husband and I both huddle in corners to recover from the emotional outbursts that ensue because of our attempts to control the situation. Tonight I decided to just hold my tongue and observe my emotions and what was going on. I also showed up in a calm collected and present energy. Instead of a “checking off the list, have to get food in you before the next activity” – energy. It was amazing. We still had chaos but my husband showed up differently as well, he had more patience and so did I. After dinner we played a game as a family and after we had this good time together and felt connected, we talked about our days and how we felt. We talked about dinner and discussed how we could each help it go smoother. Everyone participated in the conversation and were open and receptive. Trust the process. Sometimes our best tool is biting our tongue and patiently waiting for everything to unfold.

Becky has dispelled the myth that you can’t have it all… Becky’s a Mom of 6, a loving wife and a purposeful parenting coach. Her level of self-awareness and her continual focus on being her best self is what sets her apart. Becky is a Conscious Coach who can truly help any person awaken to their highest purpose. A nurturer to her core… Becky’s work is at the heart of what our families most need… as she provides the pathway to self-love, family connectedness and, ultimately, a better community and a higher level of consciousness that is changing our World for the better.

Crystal Davis

Business Mentor and Coach, Crystal Clear Solutions